Privacy policy

The personal data gathered by De Gouden Straatjes, Generaal lemanstraat 2600 Antwerp, through its newsletter module for the purpose of informing subscribers to the newsletter about the activities organized by De Gouden Straatjes, are placed in the address file of De Gouden Straatjes. When requesting and processing your personal data the administrator of the address file will respect your personal privacy and treat that data in accordance with the provisions of the law of December 8th 1992 regarding the protection of personal privacy. De Gouden Straatjes will not pass on your data to third parties. Every person who subscribes to the newsletter has the right to consult and improve his/her personal data or to have that data removed from the address file. Any request to access, improve or remove information should be sent to De Gouden Straatjes, Generaal lemanstraat 2600 Antwerp. This request must be made in writing and dated and be accompanied by a copy of both sides of your identity card. The request can be sent digitally to .  If you no longer wish to receive newsletters, you can communicate this by means of the ‘unsubscribe’ link which appears in every newsletter.

The personal data collected from registration forms relating to activities organized by De Gouden Straatjes are not stored once this activity has finished, unless explicitly stated and only after receipt of the express permission of the provider of that information.